Case Studies

How This Non-Profit Integrated in Their Workflow & Saved 1 Month of Development Time

Learn how RED used to generate pixel-perfect code and extend it.
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RED (Rehabilitation Enables Dreams) is a non-profit organization that uses to generate production-ready React Native code.’s developer-focused approach enabled them to create extensible & readable code and not worry about the entire design-to-code process.

The ability to create components rapidly, thanks to the Auto-Components feature, helped them with building dynamic and modular features, which they were able to easily merge with their GitHub repository.

Time Saved
Reduced development time by 70%
Code Quality
Rated 9/10 to the quality of the code generated.
UI Issues
Reduced UI issues by 80%

Customer Overview

Rehabilitation Enables Dreams is a non-profit that seeks to end recidivism; the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend and go back to jail. They have a one-year educational program with mentors, events, and online modules that seek to reinsert first-time criminal offenders into society. After the year ends, they restrict their criminal records so they go out into society clean.

In other words, RED is dedicated to keeping people out of the criminal justice system — permanently — through programs that enhance the social, civic, financial, and digital literacy of individuals referred to court.

RED’s Challenge

RED was finding communicating with their students a tedious process. The process was very extensive as it involved sharing events, confirmations, reminders, & deadlines. They came up with a solution to build a mobile app to communicate with their students.

However, converting designs to code can be really challenging because coding a screen can take a lot of time, especially if the designs have a lot of little details.

Moreover, there was no plugin in the market available which can give any type of basic React Native code base based on the Figma designs and at the same time, provide a robust CI/CD workflow so you can seamlessly iterate your designs and keep it in sync with your codebase.

Their senior software engineer Ignacio Nicolas Aguirre was familiar with & decided to use it to build their React Native mobile app.

Solution Overview
How Helped covers the end-to-end design-to-code process and it massively helped RED to ship their mobile app faster and also easily keep their designs and code in sync. They were able to reduce their development time by 70%.

They were easily able to create components with props, as well as the whole navigation system, and integrate them with their codebase. Moreover, with’s GitHub integration, they were able to iterate over their designs without worrying about updating their code to reflect the new design changes. accelerated my design to a production-ready code process so that I could just focus on business logic and forget about getting pixel-perfect designs coded manually. It reduced my design iteration because all frontend code worked when I exported it! I think this tool will get adopted globally soon when people start realising how much time it can really save software development teams.

Ignacio Nicolas Aguirre
Senior Software Engineer @ RED
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The Result
Benefits of Choosing helps companies and organizations generate pixel-perfect code and frees them from the grunt work of converting the design to code, which would otherwise keep them from focusing on much more productive matters.

In RED’s case, integrating into their workflow made the initial designs and iteration workflow seamless. From the start, they were able to rapidly convert all the designs into frontend code and split into components. This allowed them to easily extend the code and add custom features to their app. helps teams ship fast using a feature called Design Optimiser that helps them make their existing designs responsive on different screen sizes by using an AI-model that scans their entire design and suggests changes to make it responsive.

By offering AI-powered features such as Auto-Tagging to easily convert your static design elements to functional, code ones and also robust CI/CD pipeline support, truly helps teams accelerate frontend development. also enables builders to easily choose between React, Next.js, Gatsby, and React Native and also customise it further with UI libraries, TailwindCSS, CSS modules, and TypeScript.

RED's Project

A mobile app to communicate with their students.

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Accelerating Frontend Development offers a plugin for Figma and Adobe XD, so builders don’t have to leave their favorite tools. 

Once RED adopted in their workflow, they saw a significant boost in their teams’ productivity and further refine their design-to-code process. By generating front-end code that adheres to best practices and offering a refined CI/CD pipeline, streamlines the development process.

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